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Workshop Information Participant

Workshop Information Participant

Twenty (20) workshop participants from different schools in Mogadishu became present at peace center in Mogadishu; the participants indicated their efforts of presenting the remarks ad comments required, so let s see some of their ideas:

Suggestions and remarks were as follows:

  •  Peace building programs are not enough and what is related like conflict  resolution.
  • Enough peace awareness and mobilization workshops.
  •   Elder men and local authorities did not
  • Women in Peace Role begins every ones house by advising those armed young boys not to terrible the weak people include women and children first, then around the neighbor and the village/district.
  • To attempt fund-raising system, to put them down the gun and hand over the pen and start formal and informal education.
  • Intellectual Women must consult with the community leaders, militias commanders and show them the peace way to solve their daily lives.
  • To initiate Women Peace Umbrella, that functions most Somali regions It could be better that, Women must suggest to Islamist groups not compel what cannot be satisfaction to a woman and not abuse gender dignity and avoid violating women’s rights.
  • And at last it was presented to hold meetings concerning peace and women’s role by initiating activities to integrate women ideology of Peace promotion.

Workshop Discussion and Suggestions

After the participants thankful to IPDO and the funding agency, they suggested their ideas and comments about the workshop issues were presented

 The summarized suggestions and remarks were as follows:

  • Peace building workshops are not more than before and the peace awareness programs.
  • Enough peace awareness and mobilization is necessary need for wallpapers, newspapers, public places and institutions.
  • Women in Peace Role begins every ones house by advising those armed young boys not to terrible the weak people include women and children first, then around the neighbor and the village/district.
  • To attempt fund-raising system, to put them down the gun and hand over the pen and start formal and informal education.
  • Intellectual Women must consult with the community leaders, militias commanders and show them the peace way to solve their daily lives.
  • To initiate Women Peace Umbrella, that functions most Somali regions
  • It could be better that, Women must suggest to Islamist groups not compel what cannot be satisfaction to a woman and not abuse gender dignity and avoid violating womens rights.
  • And at last it was presented to hold meetings concerning peace and womens role by initiating activities to integrate women ideology of Peace promotion


  • The situation in Mogadishu was unstable, for the fighting which is going on around the above mentioned districts. Some of the participants and children fled from their house
  • Lack of awareness peace building ad conflict resolution workshops.
  • Less of Enough serious duration workshops those could be study more necessary topics, discussions and remarks.
  • Still participants consist of people of one sided (the area which is under TFG rule), therefore women in the upper side have rights to get and participate such these workshops but could not be possible.


The facilitator acknowledged on behalf of the participants participating such these workshops and suggesting their pure solutions and ideas to solve inter conflict between the fight functions.

One of the participants suggested and explained her idea by appreciating the participants and how good was their participation, the facilitator and how he presented the accurate methodologies to seek peace in Women Role and finally IPDO and how it conducted this meeting

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