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Capacity building for SWS members of parliament and judiciary on the role of parliament and judiciary in promotion and protection of human rights and the right to due process in judicial proceedings in South West State of Somalia.

Capacity building for SWS members of parliament and judiciary on the role of parliament and judiciary in promotion and protection of human rights and the right to due process in judicial proceedings in South West State of Somalia.

This training helps the members of parliament to enhance advocacy on the implementation of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) recommendations as the regional parliamentarian have a major role to play in this.

It also increase accountability of human rights violations/abuses within the government institutions and this is to increase the capacity of South West members of parliament and judiciary personnel regarding their role in promoting and protection of human rights,

Due process of law in judicial proceedings, sensitize judge’s on procedural safeguards of human life, liberty and property before and after government actions, prevent unjustifiable state’s action and decisions against citizens of their country and brief judges about human rights and the law, with a focus on international law and domestic jurisprudence from the region and around the world and also to equip parliament members with knowledge and skills on accountability mechanisms as well as advocacy on the implementation of UPR recommendations.



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